Assumption Cathedral, Volodymyr, Principality of Galicia-Volyn, architectural restoration, information technologies of design, architectural environment.Abstract
The purpose of the article is to reproduce the features of the architectural image of the Assumption Cathedral using the tools of information technology design, to analyze its compliance with regional architectural and construction traditions, and to refute the statement about the reconstruction of the original appearance of the building. Research methods. Autodesk Revit software was used to reproduce the architectural environment of the Assumption (Mstislav’s Cathedral) cathedral. The use of the historiographical method of analyzing sources and literature made it possible to recreate the historical process of the Assumption Cathedral in the context of the international relations of the Galicia-Volyn state and its restoration. The results. The desire to reproduce in the architecture of the Assumption Cathedral the features of the ancient Russian era without information about its original image led to the fantasy projects of A. Prakhov, H. Kotov and Mykhaylovsky. From the point of view of the modern restoration tradition, the project of the architect Weitzler looks correct. The restoration of the Assumption Cathedral in the Old Russian style, which is not characteristic of Volyn, led to the destruction of the cultural context of the history of the development of the Assumption Cathedral building in the specific socio-political relations of different eras experienced by the city of Volodymyr. The scientific novelty of the study consists in the identification of features, characteristic features and reproduction of the historical architectural environment of the Assumption Cathedral in the city of Volodymyr using information technologies of design. Practical significance. The technique of 3D modeling of objects of architectural heritage has been developed.
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