Tatiana Yablonska, visual arts, painting, graphics, 20th – beginning of 21st centuries, style, social realism, impressionism, genre, criticismAbstract
The purpose of the article is to consider separate critical reviews of the works of Tetyana Nylivna Yablonska (1917–2005), which are available in the materials of her personal file as a member of the Union of Artists of Ukraine, the original of which is currently kept in the collection of the Central State Archive-Museum of Literature and Art of Ukraine (fund – personal files deceased members of the Union of Artists of Ukraine). It was established that from the 1940s to the beginning of the 1970s, the niche of art critics, whose school had not yet been started, was occupied by officials from the Union of Artists of the Ukrainian SSR, professional artists who wrote various representations of Tatiana Yablonska, which included elements of analysis and criticism of individual works. In particular, in chronological order, these functions were performed by O. Shovkunenko, M. Khmelko, M. Deregus, V. Kasiyan, V. Borodai, the people’s artists of the Ukrainian SSR. It turned out that the last of them was already based on the work of professional art critics. In particular, I. Bluminoi, P. Govdi, L. Popova, V. Zeltner, P. Biletskyi, I. Verba, V. Pavlov, O. Nayden, and others. Based on their investigations, the field of art criticism of the legacy of T. Yablonska was developed. In particular, for the following works: “Bread”, “Spring”, “In the park”, “The enemy is approaching”, “At the start”, “On the Dnieper”, “Twins”, “Pisanka”, “Potter”, “Ukrainka”, “Weddings”, “together with my father”, “spring sun”, “Youth”, “Nameless heights”, the series “Ukrainian motifs”, “Life goes on”, “Bride”, “Engaged”, “Life/Progenitor”, “Young mother” etc. Artists-art critics noted the specific picturesqueness of Tatyana Nylivna’s canvases, focused on her ability to emphasize how “the faces of collective farm women shine with gold, heavy grain, and it seems as if the air is filled with pure gold”, analyzed bold painting, perfect drawing, spiritual portraits, “deeply poetic, joyful, life-affirming” nature of individual compositions of the artist, and also noted in the paintings-symbols that contained such features as “falling in love with life”, “bright faith in man, goodness, justice” and “the ability to see beauty everywhere and rejoice in it with all my heart” etc.
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