semantics, social patriotism, clothing, visual arts, figurativeness.Abstract
This article offers a scientific study devoted to various aspects of symbolism of traditional Ukrainian clothing in painting works of the period of socialist realism that took place in the 20th century, when Ukraine was incorporated in the Soviet Union. It was ascertained that despite the compelled adherence to the principles of social realism, Ukrainian artists made successful attempts in their works to convey national identity and respect for folk culture by depicting the characters wearing traditional garments. In particular, this study addressed and analyzed these aspects in the works by Volodymyr Kutkin, Mykhailo Bozhii, Tetiana Yablonska, Fedir Krychevskyi, Kostiantyn Lomykin. Purpose of study: analyzing stylistic meaning of Ukrainian folk costume through the prism of major trends of socialist realism in visual arts. The methodology of study involves the use of certain scientific approaches: analytical – when analyzing literary sources devoted to the topic of this study; interdisciplinary – for a multisided analysis of factual material and to confirm hypotheses; systemic – for application of a whole range of methods (art study, biographic, culturological, historical, theoretical generalization), while comprehensively developing perception of the topic addressed in this study. Scientific novelty: for the first time in the contemporary study of arts, artistic legacy of the era of socialist realism was reviewed through the symbolism of Ukrainian folk costume as a method of the artist’s national identity, a broadcaster of the era’s most important senses. Conclusions. This publication proves the assertion that symbolism of Ukrainian folk costume was an important broadcaster of socio-political situation during the period when Ukraine was incorporated in the Soviet Union, a broadcast of a form of protest of artistic circles against destruction of the national identity of the Ukrainian people. It embodies national dimensions of this identity, worldview principles of that time by emphasizing the importance of semantic codes in the costume, its significance for artists. During the era of socialist realism, artists depicted elements of traditional Ukrainian clothing to make sure that it becomes comprehensible for representatives of other ethnicities and in different historical periods. An analysis of paintings reveals the richness of symbolic forms of representing Ukrainian folk costume, related to everyday and production spheres of life, circumstances, epochal specifics. In their unity, they have bearing upon the perception of a wholesome image, which becomes possible as a result of decoding semantic information according to the established norms and trends of social realism, perception of the depicted character’s experience. The life story goes beyond territorial, linguistic, social, and other limitations.
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