



Kazimir Malevich, authentication, attribution, machine learning, art expertise, technical and technological analysis.


The article explores the application of machine learning technologies for the authentication and attribution of works by Kazimir Malevich, one of the most renowned avant-garde artists. Special attention is given to the necessity of introducing innovative approaches in art expertise, which is becoming increasingly relevant due to the complexity of identifying and verifying the authenticity of artworks. It is emphasized that traditional methods do not always provide the required level of accuracy, whereas the use of machine learning algorithms allows for a significant increase in the efficiency of these processes by automating the collection, processing, and analysis of large volumes of data. Various methods of technical and technological analysis are considered, including optical microscopy, ultraviolet and infrared spectroscopy, as well as X-ray fluorescence analysis, which are key tools for studying the technical characteristics of Malevich's paintings. These methods, in combination with machine learning, enable the detection of stylistic features and technical details that are critical for the accurate attribution of artworks. Using Malevich's works, such as "Winter Landscape" and "Summer Landscape," as examples, it is demonstrated how machine learning can aid in identifying unique stylistic traits, which are essential for accurate authorship determination. The article also highlights the importance of integrating various data sources to create a more comprehensive and reliable picture of artistic works. It is noted that the use of machine learning in art expertise opens up new possibilities for identifying forgeries and establishing the precise provenance of artworks, which is particularly relevant in the context of the modern art market, where the number of forgeries is increasing. In the future, such technologies have the potential to become the standard in the field of art history, contributing not only to the improvement of research accuracy but also to a significant reduction in the risk of errors, making them indispensable in contemporary conditions where scientific precision and objectivity are decisive factors.


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How to Cite

Коваленко, С. Г. (2024). EXPERIENCE IN APPLYING MACHINE LEARNING IN THE AUTHENTICATION AND ATTRIBUTION PROCESS OF KAZIMIR MALEVICH’S WORKS. Ukrainian Art Discourse, (3), 54–66. https://doi.org/10.32782/uad.2024.3.7


