
  • Mykola Potapenko
  • Oleksandr Demydenko
  • Hanna Potapenko



digital technologies, education, designers, innovations, educational process, technological tools, computer graphics, presentations, video lessons


The purpose of this article is to consider the impact of digital technologies on the education of designers. The results. The article examines how modern digital tools and software influence the process of training designers, enriching knowledge and skills. Also, the purpose of this article is an attempt to analyze various aspects of the application of these technologies, their impact on the development of creative and professional skills of students, as well as practical examples of research and successful applications in this field. The paper determined that digital technologies significantly affect the level of training of specialists in the 022 «Design» specialty. The influence of the use of educational presentations on the level of training of future designers is characterized, the main programs for creating presentations are defined, and the differences between different types of presentations are described. The main aspects of the design of educational presentations for students of the specialty 022 «Design» are revealed. The place of infographics in providing digital information to students is summarized, the principles of information perception by human sensory systems are described, and the advantages of infographics are determined. Features of interactive tables and charts are described. in the training of designers. Scientific novelty. This article presents scientific research based on the relevance and impact of digital technologies on the education of designers. The work presents practical examples and experiences of teachers and students who used digital technologies in their educational process. They share their findings, challenges and recommendations based on their experience. Conclusions. Digital technologies provide students with the opportunity to develop important skills that are needed in today’s design field. This includes skills in working with various graphics and visual tools, 3D modeling, virtual and augmented reality, as well as the ability to work in a team and communicate effectively through digital means.


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How to Cite

Потапенко, М. В., Демиденко, О. І., & Потапенко, Г. М. (2023). THE USE OF DIGITAL INTERACTIVE TECHNOLOGIES IN THE EDUCATIONAL ENVIRONMENT OF THE 022 SPECIALTY (DESIGN). Ukrainian Art Discourse, (3), 85–90.


