traditional costume, textiles, fine ceramics, porcelain, earthenware, Ukraine, Europe, second half of the 18th–19th centuries.Abstract
The article highlights the prerequisites for the formation and manifestation of European fashion in the everyday life of the Ukrainian aristocracy of the second half of the 18th – beginning of the 19th century. It is characterized that the trends of imitating the fashionable trends of neighboring states were visible in the transformations of a number of clothing characteristics and the emergence of the tradition of serving the table with expensive porcelainfaience items. It was determined that the root causes of the penetration of high-class European tastes into the territory of Ukraine include: 1) the restoration of the hetman’s government in Left Bank Ukraine in the second half of the 18th century; 2) comprehensiveness of the baroque style with its principles of luxury and elegance; 3) the spread of the urban style of costume, which caused changes in the cut, methods of decoration and combination of textures of the clothes of that time, 4) the establishment of fine ceramic factories in Austria, Germany, France, England and the spread of their products in the domestic space; 5) appeal to expensive materials in everyday life as markers of refined taste and status. Borrowed and manufactured variations of local clothing that arose in the second half of the 18th century have been clarified. and spread in the 19th century. The expanded range of domestic tableware, newly introduced decorative products and forms for drinks made of porcelain-faience in the specified period are characterized. It was revealed that things that until the 18th century on the territory of Ukraine were a luxury and a rarity, in particular silk and brocade, porcelain and earthenware, tea and coffee, became part of the aristocracy’s everyday life from the second half of the specified century. The purpose of the article is to highlight manifestations of the everyday life of the aristocracy in the Ukrainian secular costume and porcelain-faience products of the second half of the 18th–19th centuries, as attributes of the everyday life of the aristocracy. The methodology of the research is based on the art analysis of textile and fine ceramic products in the culture of the Ukrainian aristocracy of the second half of the 18th–19th centuries. Axiological, historical-chronological, historical-comparative and historical-cultural methods are used, which allow to reveal more deeply the prerequisites of the spread and manifestations of European fashion. In addition, a cross-cultural analysis was used to compare and distinguish borrowed and original features of clothing types and porcelain-faience forms.
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