


monumental art, stained glass, decorativeness, ornamental composition, church architecture.


This scientific article is dedicated to a comprehensive study of the genesis and evolution of stained glass art in the Transcarpathian region within the context of European cultural and artistic trends of the 19th and early 20th centuries. The author conducts an in-depth analysis of the historical prerequisites for the emergence and development of stained glass techniques in a region that was part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire for a long time, leading to a unique synthesis of Western and local artistic traditions. The article thoroughly examines the artistic and stylistic features, technical aspects, and symbolic meanings of stained glass compositions, using the unique ensemble of the Holy Cross Cathedral in Uzhhorod as an example. Special attention is given to the study of ornamental motifs, color schemes, and the iconography of the stained glass windows, which organically combine elements of various styles, from medieval Gothic to Art Nouveau. The author analyzes the compositional structure and techniques of specific stained glass works, including the ornamental windows created by the Budapest manufactory of Eduard Kratzmann and the narrative stained glass "Rusyn Pilgrims" based on a sketch by Yosyp Bokshay. The study highlights the connection between the stained glass compositions and the architectural ensemble of the cathedral, as well as their role in shaping the sacred space and emotional impact on the faithful. The research reveals the specificity of Transcarpathian stained glass art as a unique cultural phenomenon reflecting the multicultural identity of the region. The article lays a solid foundation for further scientific research in the field of sacred art in Transcarpathia, outlining the prospects for studying the patterns of stained glass art development in the region's church buildings. This research is significant for expanding scientific knowledge in the history of Ukrainian decorative and applied arts and the influence of European trends on the stained glass of Transcarpathia.


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How to Cite

Копанський, Ю. Ю. (2024). STAINED GLASS WINDOWS OF THE UZHHOROD CATHEDRAL. Ukrainian Art Discourse, (3), 78–83.


