


retrospective study, graphic design, graphics, design, development trends, design technologies


The article is a retrospective study of graphic design. It is noted that in the modern world graphic design has penetrated into all spheres of human life. It accompanies advertising, cultural events, and popularizes ideas. Graphic design is a creative activity that accompanies various human needs and keeps pace with the development of modern technologies. It is noted that the terms «industrial art, technical aesthetics, artistic design, graphic design» have appeared relatively recently. In terms of semantic meaning, they are very similar, but graphic design is currently the most common. It has been determined that «graphic design» as a separate area of artistic design arose due to its separation from applied graphics. It is substantiated that graphic design is an artistic and design activity, the main means of which is graphics. The purpose of this activity is the visualization of information intended for mass distribution through printing, cinema, television, as well as the creation of graphic elements for industrial products and the built environment. The main stages of formation and development of graphic design are considered. The development of graphic design in Ukraine in the twentieth century is analyzed. It is emphasized that with the development of technological progress and the emergence of powerful computers, graphic design as an artistic technique has received a «new lease of life» in the form of a computer project, which testifies to its viability and peculiarity. The transformation of graphic design into visual communication design – the design of complex objects of new types of systems – led to the creation of visual texts as the basis of communication. It is concluded that the twentieth century was the era of the information and communication explosion. The development of information technology has led to a change in the way society thinks and has influenced the development of science, art and design culture. As a result of the active development of communication processes, graphic design has become the most important means of shaping the environment of a modern person.


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How to Cite

Бучківська, Г. В., Піддубна, О. М., Максимчук, А. П., & Шостачук, Т. В. (2024). AN EMPIRICAL STUDY OF GRAPHIC DESIGN. Ukrainian Art Discourse, (1), 33–38.


