infographics, graphic design, poster, Ukrainian constructivismAbstract
The purpose of the research is to examine the origins, areas of use, methods of functional application and achievements of constructivism in graphic design in Ukraine, focusing on infographics as a means of data visualization. Identify specific national features, analyze varieties and areas of application (periodicals, posters, manuals, packaging, identity). Scientific novelty. For the first time, attention is focused on Ukrainian infographics. Some materials from private archives and collections have not been cited before and are entering scientific circulation for the first time. The practical significance lies in obtaining the opportunity to build an independent development trajectory of Ukrainian graphic design, separating and distancing it from the aggressor country. Conclusions. The informational graphics of Ukrainian constructivism of the 1920s and 30s fully developed in the main areas of application of graphic design (outdoor advertising, posters, magazine graphics and typography, packaging, logos), not inferior to Russian or foreign samples. The general stylistic movement within the genre is from easel applied graphics in the direction of graphic design, taking into account such artistic trends of the time as realism, modernism, eclecticism, suprematism, constructivism. In particular, eclecticism, realism and modernism preserve the genre’s narrative and pictorial heritage, while Suprematism manifests itself in simplified coloristics: the works are dominated by energetic, noticeable, contrasting colors – black, white, red and yellow. The constructivist method can be traced in the dominance of rectangular shapes, geometrising of elements, use of structured typography, segmentation of the space of the visual medium. Among the variants of compositional constructions, we find most of the modern techniques: versus, algorithm, scheme.
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