culture, cultural heritage, sights, museums, events, cultural tourism, religious tourism, pilgrimage.Abstract
The article examines the main aspects of culture, the importance of cultural heritage, cultural aspects of the influence of tourism and culture. Culture and tourism are mutually intertwined and, with the development of humanity, they themselves need new development. The culture of tourism plays an important role in humanitarian education and aesthetics, in the field of economy and cultural exchange. Tourism is a very modern activity, the popularity of which is growing every day. This is a whole industry, an industry that unites a number of different organizations and enterprises that are engaged in the organization of tourists’ recreation and provide various services to consumers. The classification of religious tourism is given, the strategy of its development is analyzed, the motivation of religious tourists and pilgrims is studied, a system of program activities is developed, which will allow the formation of a new tourist product that meets the needs and capabilities of countries, as well as the main trends in the development of religious tourism and the preservation of historical and cultural heritage. The article is devoted to the issue of involving the cultural heritage of peoples in tourism. Meanwhile, the convergence of culture and tourism is a condition for increasing the attractiveness and competitiveness of destinations for living, traveling, working and investing. The tendency of the development of modern culture is noted – increasing interest in museums, first of all, in those that store authentic examples of artistic, historical, cultural and natural heritage. Two types of monuments are distinguished – iconic and flagship, the peculiarities of their use for tourist purposes are considered, and a conclusion is drawn about the need for their combination for the sustainable development of the destination. International principles of the interaction of culture and tourism are given, in which priority is given to the local context. For the effective interaction of culture and tourism, it is proposed to create special platforms and mechanisms based on partnership relations among a wide range of interested parties. Events are considered as a relevant form of interaction between culture and tourism. The process of formation of cultural and educational tourism and modern features are characterized, in particular, the transition from the formation of growth points in the field of tourism to the creation of global interregional tourist routes based on cultural heritage. Theoretical positions are illustrated by examples from domestic and foreign practice at the national, regional and local levels.
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