transgression, border, violation, cultural transgression, influence of art, art studies practices.Abstract
The purpose of the work. Сonsists in the philosophical and art-historical understanding of the idea of transgression, which is considered as a powerful impulse of anthroposociogenesis and a factor of changes in the art-historical context. The article sets out the task of distinguishing the phenomenon of transgression and defining this type of transgression as cultural. The research methodology. Іs based on structural-functional and systemic types of analysis, the method of generalization, which made it possible to reveal a common worldview paradigm of a cultural type of transgression. Conclusions. ransgression, which violates generally accepted and well-known boundaries, brings society to a new cultural level, making a breakthrough in the educational, scientific and creative environment. Social transgression is related to the laws that regulate human existence in society, but the phenomenon of cultural transgression is the result of individual innovation in the creation of new cultural values. Thanks to the violation of the generally accepted laws, a person overcomes his own limitations and exercises his personal sovereign will. This is precisely the value of transgression in the context of art studies practices. Transgression in itself is not a positive or negative phenomenon. This is one of the mechanisms of adaptation to new conditions of existence, which enable a person or society to survive in difficult conditions.
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