integration of art disciplines, spirituality, personality formation, interpretation of a work of art, music, Fine Arts.Abstract
The article considers the integration relationship of Arts in the formation of personality, the main positions of the development of human spirituality, the ability of young people to evaluate the processes of individual formation and growth. It is the perception of the environment, the presence of positive and negative processes in the formation and readiness for individual rethinking of reality that is at the heart of a person’s artistic consciousness and spirituality. The main component of enriching the moral life of young people is the influence of stable artistic images that serve as the basis for its further development. The ability of a person to rethink information, determine the main artistic, spiritual, and cultural values emphasize the principles of the formed personality and individuality. Today, artistic educational institutions act as a guide in the formation of the individual and its spiritual and cultural development. Through the integration capabilities of art disciplines, taking into account various means and methods, the student’s spiritual, cultural, artistic, and personal worldview is developed, deepened, and formed. The formation of personality occurs through the image of creative imagination and the possibility of creating artistic images, which indicates the formed worldview of a young person. The ability to perceive any environment and turn it into positive creativity indicates its spirituality and maturity. Spirituality is based on a multicomponent component, which can include: culture as the embodiment of many aspects, religion, art, value orientations, personality formation, scientific knowledge and philosophy. We can base the formation of an artistic image on the ability to rethink what we have seen, heard, read, and analyze a work of art as a whole. We refer to the process of mental and mental activity of a creative person as listening to music and reading literary works. Through word and sound, using metaphor and emotional content, images are created, sensations are synthesized, and a work of art is born. An image based on a piece of music gets a more emotional color, because it is enhanced by the already ready-made emotional content of music, which helps to choose the appropriate color scheme, or form a more expressive, hyperbolized look. Integrative principles of teaching allow students of art disciplines to create an appropriate attitude to the environment, cultural values and contribute to the development of the spiritual potential of artistic youth. We studied the features of personality formation, the component of spirituality and the means of creating an artistic image. In the process of studying art disciplines, it is possible to draw up the basic principles of creative activity of young people in higher education institutions. So, various artistic disciplines are able to influence the formation of an artistic image by means of painting and graphics through musical and literary works.
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