military uniform, uniform project, clothing design, Galician Army, Armed Forces of Ukraine, national symbolismAbstract
The topic of military uniform development in each country generates interest in various fields, from decorative and applied arts to clothing design, as well as in a historical context, necessitating an analysis of how past developments and achievements transform into the present. Ukraine is currently experiencing a period of national revival, during which many Ukrainians reflect on their historical roots and seek a connection between generations in their struggle for independence, homeland, and culture. The question of historical legacy in military attire is relevant for Ukraine and its Armed Forces amid a deep reform and transition to a new level, where the uniform of the new army of an independent state embodies not only the functional requirements of modern combat but also national uniform traditions. One of the numerous variants of Ukrainian uniforms from the period of national struggle is the project submitted for approval to the МCGA (Main Command of the Galician Army) in March 1919 by Lieutenant Colonel Papp de Janosi, Chief of Staff of the 2nd Corps, who gave his name to the uniform as historians referred to it. Although this project was never implemented, it is noteworthy as a creative synthesis of European military attire with elements of Ukrainian national colors and symbolism. The synthesis of Ukrainian historical uniform heritage with NATO military attire design traditions can also be observed in the modern field, and especially ceremonial, uniforms of the Ukrainian military. The purpose of this article is to explore, in an artistic-historical context, this particular uniform project, which has never before been published in professional academic journals, and to analyze its place and role in the creation of the new uniform for the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
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Наказ МО України від 04.11.2020 № 398 «Про затвердження Змін до Правил носіння військової форми одягу та знаків розрізнення військовослужбовцями Збройних Сил України, Державної спеціальної служби транспорту та ліцеїстами військових ліцеїв».