
  • Oleksiy Rogotchenko National Academy of Arts of Ukraine



collecting, collection formation, museum history, Khanenko Museum, decorative art, porcelain


The aim of this study is to present the collections of European decorative art owned by the Tereshchenko and Khanenko families, as well as by Oskar Hansen and Vasyl Shchavynsky. The tastes and carefully informed choices of these collectors contributed to the foundation of future museums. This research also seeks to reveal how their legacy facilitated the establishment of cultural centers in Ukraine, such as the Bohdan and Varvara Khanenko National Museum of Art, the National Museum “Kyiv Art Gallery,” and other museums that have become important hubs for studying world art. Results: This study provides a retrospective view of the events that took place in the 1920s with private art collections. Each of these collections was rich in works from various countries. Analyzing the legacies of these art enthusiasts, we observe that, due to their education and diverse tastes, none overlooked European decorative arts. The quality of these collections attests to the high level of art expertise possessed by early 20th-century collectors. Furthermore, this work highlights an additional aspect of dedication to the city of Kyiv by these representatives of the intelligentsia. Without exception, each of them, either during their lifetime or as a final wish, donated their carefully assembled collections to the people of Kyiv. Conclusions: The Tereshchenko family, the Khanenko couple, and collectors Oskar Hansen and Vasyl Shchavynsky played a key role in shaping cultural institutions in Ukraine. Their collections formed the foundation for the establishment of museums, such as the National Museum “Kyiv Art Gallery” and the Bohdan and Varvara Khanenko National Museum of Art. Each of these collectors, of their own volition, gifted their treasures to the city of Kyiv. Their activities extended beyond the collecting art. They actively supported art exhibitions, participated in cultural events, and fostered the development of new directions in Ukrainian art. Their collections included works by both Ukrainian and European artists, facilitating the integration of Ukrainian cultural heritage into the global cultural landscape.


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How to Cite

Rogotchenko О. О. (2024). PRIVATE COLLECTIONS OF DECORATIVE ART THAT FORMED THE BASIS OF MUSEUMS. Ukrainian Art Discourse, (5), 121–127.


