Keywords: environmental design, transcultural approach, interactive art installations, scientific research, development trends, practiceAbstract
The article provides an analysis of the definition by scientists of technological and artistic-figurative characteristics in the design of art installations. The main emphasis is placed on the systematization of the features of interactive art objects, which, thanks to digital technologies, have the ability to significantly improve the aesthetic appearance of public space and activate visual-communicative relationships with the viewer. The rapid development of the design of interactive installations indicates the acceleration of the processes of socialization of Chinese citizens, allows us to propose author’s concepts that take into account educational, entertaining and entertaining functions. All of the above makes it possible to obtain the following results: the development of positive changes in people’s attitudes towards the environment; conscious attitude of the person himself towards it; creates opportunities for the implementation of author’s concepts that reveal the pressing problems of today. Analysis of scientific publications, review of visual and photographic materials indicates the need for their systematization and identification of basic aspects that are confirmed in the practical creative activity of researchers. However, almost unnoticed remain: analysis of artistic and figurative characteristics; systematization of principles and promising trends in solving the design of interactive installations. No less important is the choice of location for such interactive installations, which immediately become dominant in the urban environment of the PRC and, demonstrating the variety of methods for their creation, allow influencing not only the local population in order to ensure an increase in the level of consciousness of passers-by, but also to improve the psycho-emotional mood of tourists in China. Such a transcultural approach contributes to increasing the quality of public space in any city in the PRC. However, as the material of the article shows, today there is almost no analysis of the choice of location for the location of design objects and the identification of trends for their implementation. Thus, the systematization of scientific research on the specified topic made it possible to identify the main directions of development of interactive installations and trends in their formation in relation to the designers’ vision of current problems of the present.
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