



advertising infographic, infographic, evolution, historical analysis, visual communication, technological factors, sociocultural factors, digital environment


The development of infographics for advertising is a perfect example of how technological improvements and sociological influences have drastically changed visual communication. Initially, infographics could only be used as basic visual elements for print ads. However, a new era marked by the advent of new technology in the mid- 1900s significantly increased the expressive power of infographics. The advent of interactive features and digital experiences in the 1990s significantly enhanced its communication possibilities. Infographics are rapidly becoming a crucial part of 21st-century digital marketing strategies for creating dynamic and captivating user experiences through the use of cutting-edge technology like Augmented Reality (AR). This research gains relevance from the need to understand the historical trajectory and evolution of visual communications, which is instrumental for developing compelling advertising campaigns in today’s rapidly evolving media landscape. The core aim of this research is to thoroughly examine how sociocultural and technological influences have shaped the development of infographics over time. The specific research aims include evaluating the strategic function of visual aspects in marketing, investigating technological effects, and methodically classifying the developmental phases. This study’s methodological framework combines comparative analysis, visual-graphic analysis, and a historical-cultural approach to provide a thorough foundation for research. This study is grounded in a variety of sources, including Pinterest, Gallica BNF, and Amazon, to explore the wide-ranging use of infographics. The results demonstrate how infographics have evolved over time, reflecting both cultural and technological shifts–from their beginnings during the industrial era to the sophisticated, interactive formats we see today. In addition to providing information, infographics have evolved into a sophisticated tool for building emotional connections and increasing audience engagement. Globalisation and sociocultural shifts required that infographics be adapted to a range of cultural contexts, even as digital technology allowed for the creation of visualisations that are more dynamic and interactive than ever before. The advancement of internet and augmented reality technology has further improved and customized the user experience. The scientific contribution of this study is its historical analysis, which systematically explains the stages of graphical history and makes them a crucial communication tool.


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How to Cite

Halyshych Р. Я., & Shtets В. О. (2024). EVOLUTION OF ADVERTISING INFOGRAPHICS: A HISTORICAL ANALYSIS. Ukrainian Art Discourse, (5), 46–52. https://doi.org/10.32782/uad.2024.5.4


