personal style, clothes, fashion, hairstyle, make-up, trends, identity, costumeAbstract
The article aims to analyse the concept of personal style and study the interaction of its crucial fashion elements, such as costume, hairstyle and make-up. The main focus is on the study of creative approaches to the formation of the personal style of a modern person, taking into account the harmonious combination of these components and their impact on the individual image. The research methodology applies the principles of contextuality, dynamism, cultural conditioning and integration of knowledge. In order to achieve the set goals, the author used the historical and cultural approach, the method of generalisation, and systemic and comparative analysis. The study reveals personal style through various sciences and clarifies its role in modern society. It has been proven that costume, hairstyle, and make-up are essential to personal style. The idea is proposed that these three elements together form a visual representation of a person, his or her mood, and professional and cultural identity. The concept of creativity is analysed in detail, and its significance in the process of fashion research and influence on the creation of personal style is highlighted. Creative approaches to creating the personal style of a modern person are revealed. They include using a human silhouette, working with fabric, using innovative materials or environmentally friendly fabrics, and mixing different styles. The concept of ‘sustainable fashion’ and its influence on the formation of personal style are analysed. The study presents human self-expression through the choice of clothes, hairstyle, or make-up. It is proved that the use of costumes is characterised by minimalism, customisation, retro motifs or Techwear style, eroticisation and campiness. A hairstyle is a fashionable element of creating a personal style, requiring hair length and colour experimentation. Make-up is characterised by natural and minimalistic make-up, bright colours and artistic and graphic elements. It is proved that personal style plays a vital role in forming a person’s self-esteem and significantly affects their social perception.
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