Tetiana Yablonska's painting, Ukrainian art of the 20th century, creative method, figurative-plastic language, stylisticsAbstract
The paper highlights the results of the research of interpretations of flowers on the windowsill motif in Tetiana Yablonska's painting 1945–2000. T. Yablonska (1917–2005) was an outstanding Ukrainian artist. Her work is extremely important in the history of Ukrainian art of the second half of the 20th and early 21st centuries. The paper analyzes visual elements and methods of painting by which the artist solves the problem of composition, colour and tonal relations. The aim of this research is to reveal the stylistic transformations of visual language. The development of the declared research purpose involves the application of the comprehensive scientific approach, iconographic method, and comparative, artistic and stylistic analyses. The image of the motif of flowers on the windowsill occupied a special place in the painting of T. Yablonska during decades of her long art career. The variety of interpretations of this motif in painting is an original phenomenon of the artist's creative heritage. In numerous paintings, T. Yablonska's artistic interpretation of the motif of flowers on the windowsill is an expression of the diversity of beauty and poetry of everyday life. In the variations of the image of this motif in the artist's painting, it has been traced a variety of artistic interaction between tradition and innovation, the originality of the author's manner, realistic representation and methods of decorative-convention stylization, imitation of french impressionism's artistic ideas. The scientific novelty of paper is to research the stylistic transformations and distinguishing features of the evolution of figurative-plastic language of T. Yablonska's painting using analysis example on the interpretations of motif flowers on the windowsill created by artist during the years 1945–2000. It distinguishes and describes the characteristic features of the artist’s search for expressive means of painting. It has been traced the special attention to the light and color when organizing the painting environment of the painting. Analysis of distinguishing features of this motif interpretations in T. Yablonska's painting gives a new scientific aspects for broad understanding of the originality of the stages of transformation of figurative-plastic language in her artworks.
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