


Poltava poster, development, personalities, national symbols, types of posters.


The article examines the peculiarities of the development of Ukrainian poster art from the end of the Soviet period to the beginning of the era of independent Ukraine. The transformation over time of artistic practices in the field of posters of leading artists, as well as the most notable among them, is studied. Changes in the stylistic and thematic features of the practices of poster artists are also investigated. The temporal periodicity of the development of the poster, starting from the sixties to the present, is separately analyzed, which prerequisites during the Soviet era influenced the bright, even somewhat unexpected, boom of poster art in the late eighties and early nineties of the twentieth century in Ukraine. The analyzed temporal and historical period of the development of poster art is extremely interesting, it contains a sharp change in the formal qualities of the poster, new techniques, techniques, methods of work. Also, extraordinary transformations take place in meaningful, meaningful, and thematic areas. plot aspects of the work of poster artists of Ukraine. An analysis of the theoretical works of domestic and foreign specialists was conducted, which shows that the poster art of Ukraine is in the context of national and international trends in this field. In the article, based on the works of Ukrainian and foreign authors, basic theoretical information about the design of a social poster is built. The issue of classifying poster design as fine art is raised. A short historical excursion into the history of the development of poster art in Poltava is made, its importance and relevance are emphasized, and the current trends in the development of posters as a means of visual communication are indicated. The peculiarities of the creativity of Poltava poster artists are indicated. Special attention is paid to the work of art centers, art combines, enterprises where posters were actively created, as well as the work of the Union of Artists of Ukraine and its exhibition activities in the field of posters.


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How to Cite

Болюх, М. Ф. (2024). TRANSFORMATION OF POSTER ART IN POLTAVA PERIOD OF 1980-1990S. Ukrainian Art Discourse, (3), 22–27.


