



art, work of art, exhibition, exhibition of works of art


The research method consists in determining the place of the work of art in the exhibition space and its impact on the person. In some articles, little attention is paid to this issue, so this topic remains relevant. In the research, it is important to pay attention to determining the directions of influence of a work of modern art on the viewer in the exhibition space. It is noted that modern art is diverse and not limited by general frameworks. In your research, you examine the concept of "modern art" and its features. The authors claim that modern art reflects the problems in which the artist exists, the emotions he experiences. This can be very nerve wracking during the war our country is going through. Therefore, the modern art of Ukraine is emotional, it reflects the experiences of the artist who observes the events of the war, and it is interesting to study. According to the authors’ observations, during the war some artists refused to work, lost inspiration. The events taking place in Ukraine affected them. But there are artists who analyze and constantly convey their experience in works of art. Such works occupy a place in the exhibition space and carry these experiences of the viewer. The article also introduces the concepts of "work of art", "exhibition", "exhibition space", "exhibition environment", "museum space". The authors claim that a work of art is a work created by an artist that exists in one form or another and carries certain information embedded in it. It was found that modern art should be provocative, reflective and active, it develops, changes according to the time in which it exists, and reflects the dynamics of society. The study highlights the main directions of the formation of the exhibition space, such as: order and organization of works, visual composition in the exhibition space, experiments with space and the important role of good lighting. It is noted that the main task of the exposition is interaction with visitors. Works of art in the museum space can have an emotional impact, aesthetic satisfaction, can cause reflection and reflection, also have an educational impact and awareness, they can function as a means of education and training, helping the viewer to learn about history, culture. and the ideas they embody, to expand the audience’s knowledge and understanding of the world around them, to stimulate creativity.


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How to Cite

Гуржій, І. А., & Коршунов, Д. О. (2024). A WORK OF CONTEMPORARY ART IN THE EXHIBITION SPACE, PERCEPTION AND IMPACT. Ukrainian Art Discourse, (2), 55–60. https://doi.org/10.32782/uad.2024.2.6


