modern trends, fine arts, professional competencies, innovations, digital technologiesAbstract
This study analyzes the concept of «professional competence» in the context of modern higher education, emphasizing the need to develop students’ professional competencies that are relevant to the present. The purpose of the article is to identify innovative and modern aspects of the formation of students’ professional competencies in the field of fine arts using foreign experience. The results of the study have shown that the educational process is aimed at developing comprehensive professional competence that meets the requirements of the labor market and contributes to the successful career of students. The study examines the specifics of the educational process in the field of fine arts, in particular, the emphasis on the development of creativity, spatial thinking and interpersonal skills. The approved standard of higher education for bachelors in the field of fine arts defines the key general and special competencies necessary for professional activity, including the ability to think critically, work with information, understand the basics of ethics and law, as well as a deep understanding of the theoretical and practical aspects of creating artworks. The study analyzed the role of higher education in the development of students’ artistic abilities, in particular through various drawing techniques. It was also found that significant attention to theoretical knowledge and self-development, which are manifested in watching movies, participating in workshops and visiting exhibitions, contributes to a more complete formation of students’ artistic education. The experience of foreign countries confirms the importance of digitalization and integration of multidisciplinary approaches in the educational process. The main modern technologies in this area include digital innovation platforms, integrative technologies, personality-oriented approaches, multidisciplinarity, humanitarian technologies and soft skills development. The results of the study may be useful for higher education institutions to improve curricula and teaching methods in the field of fine arts.
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