traditional clothing, Ukrainian ethnodesign, national clothing, ethnodesign, folk art, traditions, clothing designAbstract
The article deals with the impact (expansion) of traditional Ukrainian clothing in the context of modern ethnodesign. The elements of folk dress, its symbolism, and its history are analyzed, as are the possibilities of its use in modern design. Special attention is paid to the potential of Ukrainian national clothing in modern world design practices and its importance as a component of cultural heritage. The study can be useful for specialists in the fields of fashion, design, art history, and cultural studies, as well as for all those interested in current trends in clothing. The article also comprehensively examines the issue of the preservation and promotion of cultural heritage through fashion and design. Innovations in European ethnodesign and the influence of traditional Ukrainian clothing on its modern style and architectonics are studied. The conclusion about the importance of integrating elements of traditional Ukrainian clothing into modern ethnodesign as a factor in the popularization of cultural heritage and the development of the Ukrainian segment in the creativity of clothing designers is substantiated. Purpose of the research is to substantiate and interrelate traditional Ukrainian clothing and modern ethnodesign, as well as to highlight the possibilities of using elements of traditional clothing in modern fashion trends. The importance of preserving and reviving Ukrainian cultural heritage through fashion and design and active popularisation in the modern world is emphasised. Methodology of the research is based on an interdisciplinary approach, combining elements of scientific developments in the fields of art studies, fashion history, design, and cultural studies. At the same time, a comparative analysis of traditional and modern clothing styles is widely used, and trends in the use of ethnodesign in the European and global fashion industries are also analysed. Scientific novelty consists of an in-depth study of the influences of traditional Ukrainian clothing in the context of modern ethnodesign. It is characterised by a combination of the analysis of the impact of these processes on the stylistics of modern ethnodesign, which contributes to the successful development of both directions. The study of the symbolism and history of elements of Ukrainian clothing in the context of present fashion trends is also reinterpreted from the point of view of scientific and artistic value, opening up new opportunities for using these approaches in the modern fashion world. Conclusions. The interaction of traditional Ukrainian clothing and modern ethnodesign demonstrates the broad integration of elements of folk culture into modern fashion trends. The prospect of using the symbols of traditional clothing in modern collections contributes both to the filling of a market niche and to the preservation of cultural heritage. Ways to overcome the myth of stagnation and obsolescence in traditional clothing by reinterpreting it through the prism of modern design are outlined.
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