Transcarpathia, preservation of architectural heritage, architectural features, threats, strategies, cultural heritage, culture, building, territory, history, object, craftsmanship, restorationAbstract
The Transcarpathian region has a significant number of monuments of wooden folk architecture of the XVII– XIX centuries, and a significant number of administrative, religious and residential stone buildings of the VII– VIII centuries have survived to our days. 118 wooden churches, built over the past five centuries, have been preserved on the territory of Transcarpathia. [link where this information is from]. In general, more than 700 historical and cultural monuments, including more than 100 architectural monuments, are registered in the region. (the question is taken into account by whom). Architectural monuments in Zakarpattia cover a period of more than 1000 years and represent all the main styles of European architecture. The article examines the historical context of the formation of architectural heritage, as well as the factors causing its gradual displacement? and destruction. The research is focused on the role of society, government and international initiatives in preserving valuable objects of wooden architecture in Zakarpattia edge. The information of scientists and the analysis of the existing situation encourage the disclosure of the scale of the problem and direct attention to the need to take measures to preserve the valuable architectural heritage in the region. The historical and cultural aspects of the wooden architecture of Transcarpathia, its structural and stylistic features, role and significance for local heritage, modern threats and challenges that endanger the preservation of architectural heritage are considered. Factors such as underestimation, vandalism, negative impact of haphazard construction and infrastructure projects, without taking into account issues of cultural heritage preservation.
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