


poster, World War I, visual communication, design, graphic image


The article examines the use of the poster as a means of mass influence during the First World War. The purpose of the article is to analyze the strategies of effective communication and visual action in the design of a political poster. Also, the identification of national features of the construction of its artistic image and specific informational or emotional content. The formation of public opinion, popular support for the war effort, and the general raising of morale were the main motives of the opposing parties’ posters. But in each of the countries, the visual solution and communicative approach were coordinated with the national, mental and cultural characteristics of the citizens for the effectiveness of the campaign and the effectiveness of the message. In the course of the research, thematic priorities and means of artistic expression in the formation of a visual image are shown on the examples of political war posters of various states. All the nations that participated in the Great War were motivated by the effectiveness of mass information and poster propaganda and achieved very specific goals – mobilizing and manning the ranks of the military, encouraging financial aid, demonizing and demoralizing the enemy. Today, these posters reflect the spirit of the era, cultural values and society’s attitude to important events. They have become part of the cultural and identification experience of every nation. The research makes it possible to understand the role of visual communication in the formation of an information resource and to identify key aspects and patterns of interaction between visual elements and the information context, which quickly and effectively affect public consciousness during the period of global world conflicts.


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How to Cite

Струс, А. С., & Мельник, О. Я. (2023). STRATEGIES OF VISUAL IMPACT IN POLITICAL POSTER DESIGN OF THE PERIOD AND WORLD WAR. Ukrainian Art Discourse, (6), 98–104.


