



digital clothing, virtual clothing, AR and VR reality, fashion industry, innovation, avatars


The article examines the features of using digital clothing, using the example of leading companies in this field, such as The Fabricant, DRESSX, Carling, Auroboros, FINCH, and others. Each of these companies is distinguished by an innovative approach and contribution to the field of fashion design. The Fabricant is a pioneer in digital fashion, specializing in photorealistic 3D design and animation. As the first online digital clothing store, DRESSX opens up new opportunities for e-commerce and personalization of virtual wardrobes. With the digital Neo-EX collection, the Carling brand reinforces the idea of individualization through the personalization of digital clothing. Auroboros, in turn, explores the ecological aspects of digital clothing and incorporates renewable materials into its technologies. Ukrainian companies FINCH and FFFACE add their uniqueness to the fashion industry by using virtual reality technologies. The article examines and defines the key stages of creating digital clothing, starting from the development of the concept and ending with the fitting of virtual models, which allows not only to identify technical and design tasks, but also to determine the most optimal and effective methods at each stage of the creative process. The results of the research provide practical value, as they serve as a basis for improving modern technologies in the field of fashion design. In addition, the research results determine the prospects for the use of digital clothing in the fashion industry, indicating potential directions for development and innovation. Modern technologies open up new opportunities for designers and manufacturers, allowing them to experiment with shapes, colors and textures in the digital space. However, for the successful implementation of digital clothing in the fashion industry, it is important to continue to research and improve the technology, taking into account not only aesthetic aspects, but also economic and environmental sustainability.


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How to Cite

Процик, Б. О., Пашкевич, К. Л., Герасименко, О. Д., & Люклян, Н. Р. (2023). WAYS OF THE USE OF DIGITAL CLOTHING IN THE MODERN FASHION INDUSTRY. Ukrainian Art Discourse, (6), 73–81. https://doi.org/10.32782/uad.2023.6.9


