
  • Olena Mudalige
  • Tetiana Ivanenko



environmental poster, graphic design, font, visual language


The purpose of the article is to highlight effective forms of using type in the process of improving skills, observing and experimenting in design practice aimed at drawing attention to environmental issues of society in the language of environmental graphics. The research is based on the study of the international collection of type posters "4th Block", collected over thirty years of the International Triennial of Environmental Posters "4th Block", information about the history of which will also be presented. In search of ideas and visual solutions to provide typographic compositions with more impact and energy, the international design community is creating a new typographic language for important poster messages. This attracts new generations of artistic elite to participate in communication and dissemination of the best ideas of humanity through their own artistic experience. The varied and significant volume of contemporary type posters affirms the important role of type in design and provides a deep understanding of letterforms and their effective use. Scientific novelty lies in the identification of new visual approaches in modern type design when solving important environmental and social issues, which can be used in educational and methodological recommendations of the discipline “Type Design”. Conclusions. The activities of the International Triennial of Environmental Posters “4th Block” received an echo far beyond the borders of Ukraine, demonstrated the spirit of global solidarity, became a place of cultural communication and an accumulator of the creative potential of the global design community, the goal of which is to serve the best aspirations of humanity. An analysis of the collection of type posters collected over the thirty years of the triennial demonstrated a qualitative transition from despair and radicalism to a creative, constructive position based on uniting people in solving important environmental and social issues. The type poster turned out to be a creative laboratory in search of new iconic systems of visual language, capable of giving impetus to the next generation of designers. The results of a thorough study of the "4th Block" collection can become a practical basis for a new discipline in the field of contemporary graphic design.


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How to Cite

Мудаліге, О. І., & Іваненко, Т. О. (2023). MODERN TRENDS IN ENVIRONMENTAL FONT POSTER DESIGN. Ukrainian Art Discourse, (5), 79–86.


