Yablonska, impressionism, genre, self-portrait, artistic image, manner, stylisticsAbstract
The primary objective of this paper is to research the genre of self-portrait in the painting of ukrainian artist Tetyana Yablonska (1917–2005). The aim of this research is to reveal the art-stylistic features of self-portraits in the context of genre traditions in European painting. The paper analyzes visual elements and methods of painting with the help of which the artist creates an artistic image. Аrt-historical and comparative methods were used to realize the purpose of this research. Chosen research methodology resulted in a thorough study of Yablonska's self-portraits style and manner. А series of self-portraits is an original phenomenon of Yablonska's heritage. A self-portrait is a very interesting painting genre to understand, as no other art form can convey that much information about the artist. The artist was a prolific self-portraitist and she has created more than ten magnificent self-portraits that offer a glimpse into the formation of her stages of creativity and stylistic evolution. Yablonska’s many self portraits from early years right up to late period of creativity, leave a sort of pictorial autobiography. She continued to paint self-portraits throughout the last decade of life, and Self-portrait (1995) in a square format is one of the finest works of her late period. The scientific novelty of our article is to analyze the stylistic transformations of visual language of Yablonska's self-portraits in the context of genre traditions in European painting. It distinguishes and describes the characteristic features of the artist’s search for expressive means that were used in the creation of artistic images. The results of the study also indicate the following. On the example of self-portraits, it is obvious that Yablonska absorbed artistic tradition and outside influences and reinterpreted them in innovative ways. The article analyzes the evolution of Yablonska’s self-portrait painting on the example of works of different creative periods. A new interpretation of the artist's self-portraits is also offered. Among these works is «Self-portrait» (1945), «Self-portrait in Ukrainian Costume», «Evening. Old Florence», «Self-portrait» (1995).
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