
  • Serhii Kovalenko




Kazimir Malevich, painting «Red House», Suprematism, avant-garde, symbolism in art, formalism, post-Suprematism, color, form, feeling


This article embarks on a comprehensive exploration of Kazimir Malevich’s artistic legacy, concentrating specifically on unraveling the conceptual underpinnings of his magnum opus, «Red House.» Through meticulous analysis, the study aims to reconstruct the painting’s conceptual model, providing nuanced insights into its symbolic representation of hope, optimism, and social transformation. By delving into the intricate interplay of color, form, and sensation, the research unveils the underlying innovation in Malevich’s creation. Within the contemporary realm of art criticism, interpreting Malevich’s oeuvre emerges as an imperative, necessitating a more profound understanding of the transformative processes shaping his artistic evolution. The study identifies critical gaps in comprehending Malevich’s conceptual journey, urging a comprehensive revision of the cultural context of the time. In this regard, the research delves into the cultural landscape that influenced Malevich’s concepts and imagery during the creative process, aiming to provide a holistic understanding of the artist’s journey. The article’s primary objective extends beyond the formal analysis to interpret pivotal life events that shaped Malevich’s worldview, resulting in the reconfiguration of his artistic paradigms within the prevailing societal norms. Notably, the analysis extends to the artwork «Red House,» elucidating the nuanced meanings it encapsulates. Employing a diverse range of analytical methods, including formal-stylistic, art historical, attribution-research, iconographic, structural-semiotic, and psychoanalytic approaches, the study offers multifaceted insights into the intricacies of Malevich’s creative process and his enduring impact on the art world. This expanded exploration aims to contribute a more comprehensive perspective on the complex tapestry of Malevich’s artistic contributions, ensuring a richer understanding of his profound influence. Kazimir Malevich’s artistic legacy is shrouded in enigma, leaving behind a tapestry of puzzles for generations to unravel. His artworks, including the iconic «Red House,» bear witness to a profound and mysterious depth that continues to captivate art enthusiasts and scholars alike. Malevich’s deliberate abstraction and symbolic language create a labyrinth of meanings, inviting viewers to embark on a journey of interpretation. The artist’s intentional ambiguity sparks curiosity and contemplation, urging successive generations to explore the nuanced layers of his creations. Each stroke and geometric form in Malevich’s paintings serves as a cryptic cipher, encouraging a continual dialogue between the observer and the canvas. This enigmatic quality contributes to the enduring allure of Malevich’s oeuvre, ensuring that his artworks remain an everlasting source of fascination, awaiting new revelations and interpretations from those who seek to decipher the mysteries he left behind.


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How to Cite

Коваленко, С. Г. (2023). KAZIMIR MALEVICH. RED HOUSE. CAUSAL ATTRIBUTION. Ukrainian Art Discourse, (5), 56–66. https://doi.org/10.32782/uad.2023.5.6


