parametricism, 3D modelling, innovation, shaping.Abstract
The article highlights the peculiarities of designing objects of the object-spatial environment based on parametrism. A literature analysis has been carried out and it has been found that parametrism is still at an early stage of development, but current research shows that it will be implemented in real-world design in the near future. The development of computer software for 3D modelling is becoming a fundamental condition for future success. It has been found that in world practice, the principles of parametrism, in addition to architecture, are actively used in sculpture, furniture design, and industrial design. In addition, it is noted that many examples of modern design objects stand out for their originality and attract attention precisely because of their parametric shaping. It is shown that parametric design opens up opportunities for creating unique design objects that were previously impossible or very difficult to implement. The examples demonstrate the peculiarities of designing lamps, furniture, sculpture, and kinetic objects based on parametric design The study found that parametrism can be used to develop complex engineering solutions, taking into account various factors such as strength, weight and material consumption. In the production of consumer goods, parametric design can be used to create individual solutions that take into account the needs and preferences of each consumer. It has been found that the main advantages of parametric design include: customisable parameters, algorithmic approach, flexibility and variability, efficiency, innovation and experimentation, automation, etc. In general, parametric design expands the possibilities for creativity and optimisation in many industries, allowing for more complex and innovative solutions.
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