decorative and applied art, ceramics, fine ceramics, porcelain, faience, decoration, paintings, Ukraine.Abstract
The article examines the issue of studying traditional Ukrainian paintings in ceramics in fine arts programs at school, professional and higher educational institutions. It was determined that most of the programs are focused on personal coverage of the history and artistic characteristics of various paintings. It was found that Petrykivskyi and Opishnyanskyi dominate among the latter. It has been found that after a general introduction to the topics of these motifs, their consideration continues in the context of the study of ceramics, including porcelain-faience. At the same time, it was determined that not enough hours are devoted to the latter for theoretical and practical mastery. The specifics of studying the subjects of paintings and ceramics in primary school in fine arts lessons are considered. It has been established that more information is devoted to these types of art in professional art and higher educational institutions, and the peculiarities of building compositions, brushstroke techniques and coloristics in paintings are studied more deeply and thoroughly. On the other hand, using the example of decorative and applied art programs of Kyiv University named after Boris Grinchenko, it was found that the study of ceramics consists in the theoretical mastery of various types of materials, the main variations of shaping and decoration, and the leading ceramists and painting artists are considered. They differ somewhat in terms of the number of hours and the difference between the sections of the program of the Department of Fine Arts and the Department of Decorative Arts. The research methodology is based on general scientific principles, methods and approaches that allowed to fully explore the topic. Thus, the principles of comprehensiveness and reliability were applied to identify and disclose all aspects related to the studied issue. Taking into account the availability of information on traditional paintings, types of fine ceramics, their shaping and decoration, an art analysis and a cross-cultural method were used.
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