
  • Oleksii Rohotchenko
  • Ostap Kovalchuk
  • Oleksandr Kriuk



fine ceramics, porcelain, faience, applied art, Ukraine, second half of the 20th century.


The article examines the works of domestic fine ceramics in the context of the general process of the cultural field of post-war Ukraine, in particular, the 40s – 80s of the 20th century. The goal is to determine the main prerequisites and features of the development of fine ceramic production in Ukraine, in particular, Poltava region and Lviv region in the second half of the 20th century. The main milestones of the development of this art are defined, and the key porcelain factories operating during this period are characterized. The prerequisites for the establishment of fine ceramics enterprises in Poltava region and Lviv region have been clarified. Among the root causes, the following are singled out: 1) the established foundations of porcelain-faience production in the 19th and early 20th centuries; 2) cultural and historical background of the second half of the 20th century; 3) level of technological development of artistic and industrial enterprises; 4) creative activity of individual ceramists who worked with porcelain. It was revealed that since the mid-1950s, domestic ceramic enterprises have involved graduates of LIDPM, who expanded the range of forms and the variability of ornaments in decoration. An important factor for the transformation of the established traditions of fine ceramics production was the activity of the «Art Ceramics» workshop, particularly for the Poltava region in the last quarter of the 19th and early 20th centuries. The key technological and artistic achievements of leading masters are described. In particular, it was established that such ceramic artists as D. Golovko, I. Vytsko and V. Shcherbina made a significant contribution to the development of porcelain-faience. The noted authors enriched the local thin ceramics with a new, original form and decoration, improved the methods of decorating the products. It was found that during the 50s – 80s of the 20th century the works of Ukrainian masters were exhibited at world art exhibitions, which brought the domestic art of porcelain to the European level. The research methodology is based on general scientific principles, methods and approaches, which allowed us to reveal the prerequisites for the development and transformation of fine ceramics of Ukraine in the 1950s – 1980s of the 20th century. In particular, the principles of comprehensiveness and reliability, historicalchronological, historical-comparative and historical-cultural methods, art analysis and cross-cultural method were used.


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How to Cite

Роготченко , О. О., Ковальчук , О. В., & Крюк , О. О. (2023). BACKGROUND OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF THIN CERAMIC ART IN UKRAINE IN THE SECOND HALF OF THE 20TH CENTURY. Ukrainian Art Discourse, (4), 88–92.


