
  • Yaryna Horichko
  • Ruslan Halyshych



graphics, artistic and compositional research, male characters, female characters, anthropomorphic motifs, polygraphic products


Purpose: an artistic and compositional study of the images of women and men in the graphic works of Ukraine during the war and interwar periods in order to identify their stylistic changes depending on the historical realities and periods of their creation. The object of research: images of male and female characters in graphics. The subject of the study: stylization features of anthropomorphic motifs in printed products. The feminine and masculine images are embodied in the archetypes of anima and animus, which are common to all humanity. But these archetypes have unique features expressed in national identity features, such as national clothing or its elements, and features of appearance, for women, it is correct facial features, dark hair, and eyebrows. For men, it can be a Cossack hairstyle – herring, mustache, mace, sword, shield, harem pants. Also, national symbolism is expressed in graphic images with the help of embroidered motifs on clothes, which have their meaning: the cross is a symbol of resurrection, «the crossing of two lines symbolizes the meeting of the earthly with the heavenly. The cross also means the harmony of the four elements: fire, water, earth, and air. A rhombus is a symbol of human and earth fertility. The square symbolizes matter, it is a sign of the special number four, which Ukrainians understood as a symbol of the first elements. These are the four points of the globe: the sides of the world; season; life cycles; parts of the day» [12]. National symbols are also expressed with the help of coats of arms, emblems, flags, wreaths, and certain plants. For example: Viburnum is a symbol of Ukraine itself. Viburnum fruits are a symbol of the courage of the people who fought for the liberation of their homeland. Red viburnum berries in shape and color resemble drops of blood, so for Ukrainians, they have become a symbol of the blood shed for the independence of Ukraine; wheat – as a symbol of the fertility of the Ukrainian land, a symbol of hard work and the peasants who work on this land; poppy – a symbol of the sun, infinity, will, pride, protection from evil forces, a boy – a Cossack, blood, those who lost their lives in the struggle for independence, a symbol of courage and resistance during difficult times; oak leaves – courage, power, nobility, pride, indomitability of the Ukrainian people, who, despite various trials in history, remain independent and stable. Symbols have a deep cultural and historical meaning, reflect the national spirit, and contribute to the unity of Ukrainian citizens around common values and ideals. The anima and animus archetypes are universal to all of humanity, but these motifs make them unique in our context. Graphic works remain in history, help preserve and transmit memories of the times in which they were created and the role of men and women in those times, as well as inspire the struggle for our land and future.


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How to Cite

Горічко, Я. М., & Галишич, Р. Я. (2023). IMAGE OF WOMAN AND MAN IN GRAPHIC WORKS OF UKRAINE DURING THE WAR AND INTERWAR PERIODS. Ukrainian Art Discourse, (3), 20–30.


