Chinese characters, hieroglyphics, morphology, image, display font, calligraphy, lettering, typeface designAbstract
The article examines the peculiarities of the morphology of the forms of modern Chinese hieroglyphics, as well as its figurative component in the context of calligraphic traditions and digital technologies of font creation. Examples of digital Chinese fonts made using font programs in the Unicode system were used as material. The work states that Chinese hieroglyphics has a long history of formation and development, because it is based on certain features of the worldview and traditions of Chinese culture as a whole, and the main factor in preserving traditions is calligraphy. The importance of calligraphy as an element of Chinese artistic culture is emphasized. Modern digital fonts and Chinese lettering imitate the calligraphic writing of characters with a brush, which gives them a certain imagery, associative and artistic potential. for the first time, the question of the influence of the figurative component of hieroglyphics on the perception of the idea of a hieroglyph symbol and its dependence on its morphology was considered and posed. The importance of modern computer technologies for expanding the possibilities of typeface design, in particular, the creation of figurative fonts, is emphasized. It was found that designers create characters that have constant elements with a high level of readability according to their morphology, which preserves the original rigid structure of graphemes of simplified or traditional writing based on the principle of dominance of the recognition position of Chinese characters. The question of the possible level of strengthening of the figurative component of hieroglyphics through the use of more pronounced artistic means, as well as the mutual influence of morphology and the image of hieroglyphics on the perception of the symbol as a whole, is brought up for consideration. A perspective for further research is the classification of modern Chinese hieroglyphics, which includes digital fonts, lettering and animation, according to certain visual characteristics.
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