graphic design, stylization, vytynanka, ornament, laser cuttingAbstract
The war in Ukraine caused unprecedented interest in national heritage, Ukrainian ethnic style, cultural origins not only within the country, but also far beyond its borders. One of the traditional and widespread types of decorative art of Ukraine is vytynanka, which in terms of its visual and decorative qualities is the most refined, elegant and majestic art in its restraint. In addition, modern vytynanka, as a form of creativity that is almost independent of technical and technological limitations, began to actively generate various combinatorial variations of ornamental art in all its beauty. Moreover, modern computer and printing technologies, which were traditionally considered the basis of exclusively graphic design, began to be actively involved in the production and rapid distribution of vytynanka in almost all types of design creativity, from modest in size (and not in terms of decorative qualities) to holiday cards or openwork packages to majestic both in terms of size and composition of elements of interiors or exteriors. And a separate interesting group consists of works of object design using the vytinanka technique, such as lampshades for lighting devices or lace lamps, ornamental interior partitions or sliding screens, abstract three-dimensional decorative decorations like «mobiles» or quite concrete, but «alternative» designer New Year’s decorations Christmas trees. The article highlights and substantiates the basic role of modern graphic design for the popularization of vytinanka. The unlimited possibilities of replicating products of varying degrees of ornamental complexity and different sizes are shown: from the smallest ones made of traditional paper or cardboard to the largest ones made of wood, plastic or even concrete. Thus, the possibility of significant replication far-sightedly integrates vytynanka into mass use for further penetration into the modern consumer space, which can affect, including, a significant correction in the direction of positive perception in the attitude to traditional domestic cultural codes.
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