fine art, T. Yablonska, T. Staroselska, painting, social realism, stylisticsAbstract
The study is devoted to the post-war period of creativity of the corypha of Ukrainian painting, People’s Artist, Academician, Professor Tetyana Nylivna Yablonska (1917–2005). The phenomenon of T. Yablonska’s work has not yet been studied in its entirety, despite the sufficiently large number of publications published by art critics, cultural experts, historians, and philosophers from the post-war period to the present day. The author focuses on the period that corresponds to the definition of “totalitarian” time, namely the 1940s and 1950s. Attention is focused on the painting “Bread” of the year 1949, a landmark for national and world art, in comparison with the paintings made by other Ukrainian artists at that time. It should be noted that T. Yablonska’s work was modified in major directions at least twice. Mystkina went from a strong academician – realist to an artist of impressionistic preferences. The uniqueness of T. Yablonska’s work lies in her absolute dedication to what she did in the visual arts. Specific periods of time changed the manner, technique of performance, but always left the main thing – professionalism in achieving the set goal. The author of the article knew Tetyana Nylivna Yablonska personally, communicated with her within the walls of KSAI (Kyiv State Art Institute) during 1970-1975, in creative groups at the “Sedniv” house of creativity. The author interviewed Mystkina about her work in the late 1970s and therefore has her own vision regarding the phenomenon of the artist. In the article, the author suggests using the principles of scientific reliability and comprehensiveness. The own vision involves supporting the proposed version in the context of art history, cultural, historical, and philosophical methods.
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