
  • Liliia Gnatiuk



landscape, sacred, art, nature, naturalistic art, landscape


The specifics of the presentation of the sacred landscape in the works of art of the Renaissance are considered. The sacred landscape is presented as a special part of the cultural landscape, formed by spiritual human experience, that is, a spiritualized, imaginary space that helps to convey the content of an artistic work. The landscape is also defined as a geographical phenomenon, this type of landscape was created by people of traditional culture with the help of social technologies of environmental management, namely structuring – the construction of megalithic ensembles, which included stones, memorial and sacrificial complexes, memorials, rocks with esoteric symbols) and «revitalization » or hierotopia (that is, with the help of rituals, sacrifices, ritual and ceremonial actions). The study of theoretical approaches to the study of the sacred landscape, the understanding of the qualitative characteristics of this historical phenomenon, the history of the development of classifications and research paradigms are analyzed. The landscape is considered from the standpoint of a systemic approach and theories of self-organization and intellectual management, that is, as a “socio-technical system”. According to the author, systemic education of this type could arise precisely as a result of the purposeful controlling influence of people’s consciousness on the natural landscape. The works of medieval artists are presented, in which the landscape plays a formative role that complements and reveals the overall composition, reflects the central hero, and sometimes emphasizes his life-writing moments. Illuminations-illustrations of manuscripts from the collection of the Getty Museum are presented in detail. The main elements of the composition, presented through images of the landscape as a background and individual elements of decoration with plant patterns, have been revealed. Aspects of nature that evoke feelings have been revealed.


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How to Cite

Гнатюк, Л. Р. (2023). SACRED LANDSCAPE IN THE ART OF THE RENAISSANCE ERA. Ukrainian Art Discourse, (2), 36–45.


