Vasyl’ Korchovy, marble, limestone, bronze, memorial sculpture, tombstone, academism, mythological images, beauty idealAbstract
The article is dedicated to the work of the contemporary Ukrainian sculptor Vasyl Korchovy. The purpose of the study is to analyze the individual manner of the master, the factors that influenced his stylization. It is mentioned about the insufficient level of coverage of the artist's personality in the Ukrainian art history scientific literature, it is noted that the overwhelming number of pulications about him is informative, but not of a scientific nature, so the sculptor's personality only needs to be introduced into scientific circulation, which can be determined among the prospects of scientific research. An attempt is made to classify his images, to determine the traditions that influenced the birth of the character of his creative handwriting. The influence of Michelangelo and Rodin on the artist during his artistic formation is emphasized. The article analyzes the synthesis of traditions and innovations in the artistic language of the master, gives specific examples of the use of tools of certain artists of the past in the artist's work, which demonstrates the ability to creatively transform the traditions of their predecessors and form their own unique and recognizable artistic language on their basis. The main methods of the author's work with the material are described and the dominant materials in his work (limestone, marble, bronze, sandstone) are given. Emphasis is placed on the rare academic basis of the artist's manner today, the role of the academic school and the influence of teachers ' personalities are emphasized. Consider the most characteristic samples from different groups of works of the master, indicate the dominant characters, subjects in his sculptural heritage: mythological characters (old Slavic and ancient – Dana, Zimtserla, Bacchante), allegorical images (Spring, Abundance), buffoons, Angels. Tombstones of the authorship of V. Korchovy are considered separately. Korchovy made a comparative analysis of the manner of performing memorial sculpture of tombstones with easel sculpture mainly female images from the ancient Slavic world and ancient mythology. The principle of contrast used by the artist in their implementation is emphasized.
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