augmented reality, interior design, 3D visualization, optical tracking, integration into the real environment, markersAbstract
Purpose of Research: to determine the potential of using augmented reality technology in interior design. The article defines the possibilities of this technology, the features of the designer’s application in the design practice, problems with the use and ways to solve them. The methodology of the work is based on the application of an integrated approach, which made it possible to take into account various aspects of this problem: from psychological (peculiarities of perception), design (directions of application) – to technical (analysis of means and opportunities). To conduct the study, general scientific methods and special ones were involved in accordance with the nature of the issue and the task. The scientific novelty lies in determining the possibilities of using augmented reality technology in order to optimize the design processes in the work of an interior designer. Augmented reality is a modern design tool that allows you to optimize the various stages of work in the overall process. Thanks to the active development of digital technologies, the possibilities of modeling and visualizing 3D objects are constantly expanding, the technology is becoming more accessible to the general public. At the same time, it is necessary to distinguish between the features of its application by designers and customers, consumers. The creation of various applications for the presentation of furniture, accessories, details of a spatial solution in a particular interior or exterior is gaining popularity. But this is a very limited application of augmented reality, which is primarily used by manufacturers and sellers of these items. In design work, augmented reality facilitates communication with the customer and subcontractors, as it allows you to visualize the project idea as clearly as possible. The author notes the need for a more detailed consideration of the possibilities of using augmented reality directly in the design work of the designer, since modeling in this perspective allows you to make decisions faster – to develop and evaluate various options. Thus, augmented reality technology has significant advantages over virtual reality and has every chance of dominating the interior design space.
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