creativity of O. Denysenko, graphics, individual style, transformation of images, figurative and symbolic interpretationAbstract
The purpose of the article is to highlight the creative work of the famous Ukrainian artist Oleg Denysenko, who has been repeatedly recognized abroad and in Ukraine by both representatives of artistic circles and collectors. For all the time of the artist’s artistic practices, no thorough research of his work and experimental searches in graphics has been made, no creative style and graphic language of the artist have been described. The artist’s work was mentioned in some articles, superficially revealed in studies of the creative work of representatives of the Lviv graphic school working in certain graphic techniques and trends. The figure of O. Denysenko has long occupied a significant place among the representatives of Ukrainian printmaking and graphics. This is the case when the artist and his work are more recognized abroad than in Ukraine. Denysenko is a representative of artistic techniques that have existed for more than five centuries, who is not afraid to improve, experiment, and make new searches for graphic embodiment of images and philosophical considerations. The article explores artistic practices and experiments in graphics on the example of the series of graphic works «ecoline». Attention is drawn to the process of searching for new images, methods and visual techniques, as well as to the means of revealing artistic expression. An overview of the stylization, expressiveness of the graphic language and individual manner is given. The possibility of further studying the transformation of graphic images in other techniques and plot compositions is considered. The basis of experimental searches, the emergence of figurative and symbolic interpretations, and the author’s innovations are revealed.
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