ornithomorphic ornament, Kyivan Rus goldsmithing, pleners of hot enamel, jewelry art of UkraineAbstract
The research is devoted to a comprehensive art analysis of the reflection of the ornithomorphic motifs of Kyivan Rus goldsmithing in the works of the participants of the II International Enamel Plener for Youth. Information about the historical prerequisites for the emergence of traditions of using images of birds in Kyivan Rus jewelry art is outlined. The typology of forms and the functional purpose of products of Kyivan Rus goldsmiths, which were decorated with images of birds in the hot enamel technique, have been specified. Peculiarities of the use of ornithomorphic motifs in individual jewelry of Kyivan Rus are considered. The technical and technological processes of the medieval enamel work have been specified. The creativity of the participants of the II International Enamel Plener for Youth. The need for the revival of Kyivan Rus cultural and artistic traditions has been determined. Using the example of the work created within the framework of the abovementioned event, methods of transformation of the ornithomorphic motifs of Kyivan Rus in modern decorative and applied art are given. A comparative analysis of the medieval practice of using the hot enamel technique with the work methods of modern masters was performed. The importance of creating youth art events that influence the development and popularization of the hot enamel technique is outlined. The technical and technological features of modern enamel work are clarified. The need for further research into the artistic and figurative features of goldsmithing of Kyivan Rus was revealed. This will contribute to the development of modern decorative and applied art in Ukraine, the popularization of the art of our country in the world, the restoration of the technique of hot enameling of non-ferrous metals, the support and professional growth of creative youth.
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