
  • Liliya Kravchak



art strategies, art concepts, cultural industries, urbanistic, urban studies


The article examines the uniqueness of art strategies as an actual factor of sociocultural processes in general and the development of cities, in particular. The article examines how artistic spaces can serve as a place for activism and social change. Based on the application of the typology methodology, there is a review of the main art strategies, as well as an assessment of their use within the framework of urban projects; the advantages and disadvantages of their use are analyzed. The potential of the systematic transformation of urban space due to the principles of art strategies is considered. One of the key points of the article is that art spaces have the potential to be more than just a place to display artwork; they can be platforms for social and political action. Art spaces can be used to promote and support marginalized communities, and to challenge dominant cultural narratives that perpetuate inequality and injustice. By creating spaces where different voices and perspectives can be heard, art can serve as a catalyst for social change. Finally, the article emphasizes the importance of collaboration and community engagement in promoting social justice through the arts. By working with communities and involving them in the artistic process, artists can create works that truly reflect the needs and experiences of those most affected by social inequality and oppression. By creating spaces for activism, challenging dominant cultural narratives, and engaging communities, artists and art spaces can help create a more just and equitable society. Conclusions are made about the need for the further theorization of this concept and multi-faceted development of the practical application of the obtained results.


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How to Cite

Кравчак, Л. А. (2023). MODERN CONCEPTS OF ART STRATEGIES. Ukrainian Art Discourse, (1), 6–12.


