dynamic identity, graphic design, generative identity, versatile logoAbstract
Purpose: to analyze the development of dynamic identity in contemporary Ukrainian graphic design and define key plastic and conceptual solutions in the domestic design projects dated 2013–2021. Methodology: general scientific methods of analysis and synthesis, induction and deductionhave been used, as well as art history and comparative methods. The results: the application of «dynamic» or «generative» identity in the domestic design projects dated 2013– 2021has been analyzed as a fascinating phenomenon of the contemporary world design. It has been defined that dynamic identity is based upon the principle where the static established logo is substituted by a versatileone. The versatilelogoconstantly transforms, changes the color pattern, texture, stylistics, imaging tools & reproduction means. The following Ukrainian design projects have been studied: corporate style of All-Ukrainian Advertising Coalition (2013), redesign of Lviv promotional logo, identity of touristic Zaporizhzhia, logo of «Polyhenko» company (all created in 2017) and versatile logos of some television channels, especially «Lale» (2013), the Crimean Tatars children TV channel, and other projects implemented by Kyiv designers within 2017–2021. It has been noticed that domestic designs profoundly exploit the techniques already renowned in world design practices. Thereat, new creative solutions, proposed by Ukrainian designers, have been identified, in particular unconventional concepts of transformative logos. Scientific novelty: the specifics of dynamic identity development in contemporary Ukrainian graphic design has been studied for the first timeas well as key plastic features and concepts of domestic designs. Practical significance: the findings may be used in the lecture materials related to utilization of identity and symbols in design. This analysis is of great value for development of both design theory and design practices in Ukraine.
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